सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं


Success introduces us to the world, but the failure gives us the introduction to the world

Success means that what you are thinking about yourself This is not just what I'm going to tell you. I can only inspire you for a few minutes, hours, days, months internally. But your inner motivation starts only through you and ends within you. I am not very intelligent to describe the truth behind your success but I can try to expand your experience. What is my experience We all have different definitions of success. Everyone gets success in a win, where every other every minute wants to win every war. Although it is not described for you because it is not weak. It is very difficult to bring it in our hands. As we know, not every person can taste the taste because they do not survive on the battlefield. Your success has been linked to many things, but I have classified them into three major bands.

1. Those who work hard.
Curry hard work means that you have been working for ten hours continuously without taking care of your meals, baths, and expenses. If I do not have the answer then what is it? This is all about your stability.How do you definitely do your job to describe your hard work? Everything tells us everything. For example, many of you must have heard the story of a rope and a stone that proves its strength from the continuous scratch of the rope.

2. The second thing is your Smartwork. Now, for many of you, both smartwork and hard work are equal in nature. But it is not true that it is similar in nature. Smartwork includes creative thinking, a way to consume your energy effectively and take advantage of the last value of everything in your life, because success is also a blend of truth. Therefore, in reality also it is a mixture of every element that you Gives success Creative thinking is everything that you feel that makes you unique and describes your thoughts in a very innovative way.

The crowd always runs on the path which seems easy, but that does not mean that the crowd always runs on the right track. Choose your own path because no one knows better than you.

3. The third is a patience which we have told time to wait for your processing. When you cook something, you have to wait until it is cooked for a good taste. Similarly you have to wait for your processing.

This is very easy to say So, why are not we getting it? Because there is some instability with the possibility that everything destroys. Let's go and talk about it too. One of them is your stability, which tells how hard you work, how you see your success. Many of us do not live with stability because we are tired and think that we are not capable of all these things.

The second thought is that our brain system is one of God's complex make-up, but it is very innovative compared to others. We consider ourselves as a weak wood and at all times neglect our thinking. We are always afraid of loss. But why do not you think about your success. And the only thing to tell your story will come when only you do not fall in it, who will work for miscarriage of spices.

Fix something, then do not leave it, but think about what you have to think about it before doing it.

As you go, it will say that you start with recognizing yourself first.


एक टिप्पणी भेजें

My name is aman .
My youtube channel link is :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-CRTgu-S6yKQRDr4Ad1FzQ

I always try to share some knowledge to you for enhancing our society and country which is related to motivation , tech , study , sports etc...join me and share as much as you can in yoir own way..thanks

इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट


सफलता हमारा परिचय दुनिया को कराती है पर असफलता हमारा परिचय दुनिया से कराती है सफलता का मतलब है कि आप क्या  सोच रहे हैं खुद  के बारे में । ये बस यहि नही  जो मैं आपको बताने जा रहा हूं ।  मैं केवल आपको कुछ मिनट, घंटे, दिन, महीने के लिए आंतरिक रूप से प्रेरित कर सकता हूं । लेकिन आपकी आंतरिक प्रेरणा केवल आपके माध्यम से शुरू होती है और आपके भीतर समाप्त होती है। मैं आपकी सफलता के पीछे सच्चाई का वर्णन करने के लिए एक बहुत बुद्धिमान नहीं हूं लेकिन मैं आपके अनुभव को विस्तारित करने का प्रयास कर सकता हूं।  मेरा अनुभव क्या है। हम सभी की सफलता की अलग-अलग परिभाषा है। किसी को भी एक जीत में सफलता मिलती है, जहां अन्य हर मिनट हर सेकेंड हर युद्ध जीतना चाहते हैं। हालांकि यह आपके लिए वर्णित नहीं है क्योंकि यह कमजोर नहीं है। इसे हमारे हाथ में लाना बहुत मुश्किल है। जैसा कि हम जानते हैं कि हर व्यक्ति जित का  स्वाद  नहीं ले पाता है क्योंकि वे युद्ध के मैदान में नहीं बचते हैं। आपकी सफलता  कई चीजों से जुड़े हुए हैं, लेकिन मैंने उन्हें तीन प्रमुख बैंडों में वर्गीकृत किया है । 1. जो कड़ी मेहनत करते हैं। करी मेहनत

Hindi motivational poem

Hindi motivational poem                  जगमगाती इस दुनिया में अंधेरों का भी पहरा है हर जीत का फैसला  तेरे चलते ही टेहरा है  हम वहीं है  जो  खुद को जिंदगी में निखारते है जहा बारी आई बढ़ने कि  वहा खुद को नकारते है। इन्वेंशन क्रिएशन इंसानों का ही खेल है खुली इस दुनिया में बहिष्कारो का ही रेल है आफत हम है, बर्बादी हम है जीत हम है , कामयाबी हम है हर लोगो के अंदर एक छुपी पैशन है जिसने पहचान लिया उसी का सासन है हम ने ही किया अपने सोच को खड़ा  जिसने माना है झूठी बातों का बड़ा  हम वहीं है जो कहते है  गुलाब में कांटे है या कांटो में भी गुलाब है।                  मुस्किलो से ना घबरा  वक़्त कभी ना टेहरा  आंधी या तूफान  अपनी जीत के दिए को तू जला चोट सबको आती है  सीखने का सिलसिला बतलाती है इरादे अगर होंगे नेक तो जीत सबकी आती हैं। खुद को माना है कमजोर  क्यों कि नहीं दिया अपने बातों पे जोर दूसरों को देख खुद को लालच दिया है अपने सपनों को बांध कर मुसीबतों को देखा है रोज                       अब तो बात मेरी मान उठा के सर दिख